Find out how to safely store your jewellery to make it look amazing for many years!

Why is proper jewellery storage so important?

Jewellery's appearance and condition is significantly impacted by how it is stored. The jewellery develops a dark tarnish from exposure to moisture and polluted air, making it appear unsightly. Carelessly stored necklaces, earrings, or rings frequently fade and become mechanically vulnerable. Chains and bracelets quickly tangle when clasped together, scratching and discolouring their surfaces.

The best place to keep jewellery is a tightly closed, dark area where you can organise and categorise different kinds of jewellery. You should understand how to store your jewellery properly if you want your favourite bracelets or chains to maintain their original appearance for a long time and not be subjected to damage that could harm their structure.

You can purchase a micro-fibre signature pouch for earring, necklaces and bracelets.

How to properly store silver jewellery?

We frequently leave silver jewellery on windowsills or bathroom shelves after taking it off. Both locations are undesirable. Very quickly, destructive processes begin on its surface. Silver jewellery should be kept in a dry, dark environment. Limit the exposure of silver jewellery to air as well. Doing this will halt the oxidation processes that would otherwise cause an unsightly tarnish to form on the silver surface.

Small pouches will be helpful for this, which you can use to stow a few earrings or a pendant as soon as you take them off. Additionally, jewellery shops sell specialised bags for storing silver jewellery. Putting all the jewellery in one box is the most frequent error. For a variety of reasons, it is not a good solution. When we search through a box for a particular silver bracelet or pair of earrings, it turns into a mess. The silver jewellery quickly scratches in this circumstance and drastically loses its aesthetic appeal.

Don't store silver jewellery alongside gold or other precious metals, to start. They greatly increase the chance of scratching silver jewellery's delicate surface. Ensure the jewellery is kept apart, even if you only store silver jewellery in one compartment. Each piece of silver jewellery needs to have a specific location. Store jewellery in pouches or a special case with compartments lined with a soft, pleasant-to-touch material can be a good solution.

How to store gold jewellery?

Put your gold jewellery in closed cases for storage. Each set should ideally have a compartment or a fabric bag. More resistant than silver, genuine gold is a strong metal. It is covered in dust and dirt like any other surface but does not rust. Therefore, periodically cleaning your gold jewellery is worthwhile to remove unwanted dirt. Use a soft cloth and a soapy solution to complete this gently. Take your genuine gold jewellery to a jeweller if you see any significant dents or scratches on it because you won't be able to fix them yourself. The current circumstance can only get worse.

Consider making it a habit to take off your gold jewellery before bed and do laundry and other household chores. Golden jewellery does not respond well when exposed to water, especially salt water, detergents, or prolonged exposure to moisture or sunlight. The jewellery that is most vulnerable to damage is necklaces. Inadequately laid chains may entangle. As a result, the chain may quickly start to look different. Hooks are a creative concept. The hooks allow you to prevent necklace tangles. Hooks can be installed on the wall of a dressing room or inside a wardrobe door.

Because the thin chains will be vulnerable to harm, tangling, and deformation, while the thick and heavy chains kept in the casket are safe. Specially made stands are a chic and incredibly practical way to store jewellery. They allow you to enjoy the eye with a jewellery collection, perfectly presenting it. They are typically placed in the bedroom, on a bedside or dressing table. Additionally, they offer great comfort when deciding on the ideal jewellery for every day. Additionally, stands can be a stunning component of interior design. They come in a wide range of sizes, hues, and materials.

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